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Whose Story Are You Here to Tell?

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As valuable and special as you are to God, the Bible is first and foremost the story of the life of Jesus. My friends, we are not here to tell our story, as important as it may be, but His!

Let’s examine our story first. Born into bondage to sin we are hopelessly separated from God. While still created in the image of God our sin nature mars that image and our pride and self-centeredness demonstrate that we are primarily interested in advancing our own agendas at the expense of Jesus’ wonderful master plan. As human beings we strive for self-gratification, and have little interest in knowing our Creator God. We are masters of our own ship and sadly, when all is said and done, we run our ship into the ground. And when we look back at the end of our lives, we often are pained by what little impact we had on humanity. Without a relationship with our Creator, we have no real idea of how we came to be, and even worse, what happens when we die, let alone what is our purpose in life.

But praise God the Bible was written to tell the story of God incarnate. And as sad as our story seems to be, we can totally change our story into a fantastic and meaningful adventure by learning to trust in the central character of the Bible – Jesus Christ.

So just what is the story of Jesus? Well, Jesus is God and He existed before our universe was created. He existed in perfect harmony within the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. His joy was complete and He lacked nothing. His love, however, was so awesome that He decided to create mankind so He could lavish that love on you and me. His plan was to have an eternal relationship with humanity but as we know from the first book of the Bible, Genesis, mankind severed that relationship because of sin. For the rest of the Bible, we see God working in the lives of His image bearers to restore that broken relationship that our first parents, Adam and Eve, caused, by their disobedience to God.

The entire Bible is about Jesus, always existing, but not taking on human form until we get to the New Testament, where the wonderful message of salvation is made crystal clear through His life, death, burial, and resurrection.

Jesus came to restore us back into a relationship with Himself, through the transformational work done at Calvary. He came to set us free from the bondage of sin and to experience lives full of peace, joy, and meaning. But our story doesn’t end at death but extends on into eternity where peace, joy, and meaning will never end for us. For you see the Bible is not only the greatest book ever written, but it is the greatest love story the world has ever known.

And once we place our trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we become His ambassadors here on earth and are given the wonderful privilege to share His amazing message of hope, redemption, and salvation with a lost world of souls. If you haven’t been reading your Bible regularly, I challenge you to embark on making this book an essential part of your day – I guarantee you will be blessed!

1 thought on “Whose Story Are You Here to Tell?

  1. Amen! Thank you Lord for your amazing love that even before I acknowledge I was a sinner You died for me. I am forever grateful!🙌🙌🙌♥️

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