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Why Psalm 119 Is So Special – Part II

In yesterday’s devotion we shared five special verses from (Psalm 119). Today I would like to briefly comment on four more verses from this amazing Psalm.

Verse 92: “Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction.”

Affliction. We all experience various degrees of affliction and suffering in life. Sadly, millions of Americans don’t handle affliction and suffering well and turn to alcohol and drugs to cope. Many others come down with anxiety and depression. When we delight in the Bible, however, we gain great strength and coping powers to help us endure the painful trials of life. Without the Bible we will find life too difficult to endure when our world comes crashing down. But with God’s Word we will be equipped with all we need to navigate the trials and tragedies we all will face in life. Delighting in the Bible is our main line of defense against affliction – I pray you will hide God’s Word in your heart – it will prove a wonderful balm for all your trials.

Verse 97: “ Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.”

When you really love something or someone you tend to think about it, or that person, all day long. For the psalmist he chooses to meditate on the Word throughout the day because he is so smitten with the sheer joy it brings him. For Christians we have the privilege to not only meditate on the written Word, but to mediate and converse with the living Word – Jesus Christ. How blessed we are to know the Creator of the universe and the book that is all about Him – the Bible.

Verse 105: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

In today’s complex world we are faced with so many choices and paths that we can journey on. Just how can we know what the best path in life for us is? Well, I believe, like the psalmist that the Bible is our ultimate compass that always guides us in the best path possible. I love how he says that the Word of God is a light to our path. When we consult with God He will gives us the light we need to travel with Him every step of the way. So, the next time you need to make a major or minor decision consult the book that has all the answers and pray to the God who will always give you good advice.

Verse 162: “I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure.”

I love the parable of the Pearl of Great Price. We read about it in (Matthew 13:45-46): “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” I, like the psalmist here, rejoice every time I read the Bible because I know that it is a precious gift from God that has everything I need to lead a rich and rewarding life both now and in eternity. Not only that, but the Word also allows me to have a deep and personal relationship with Jesus – the greatest joy imaginable!

So, the next time you read (Psalm 119) begin with prayer using (Psalm 119:18) as your point of entry into this totally enjoyable reading experience: “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.”

2 thoughts on “Why Psalm 119 Is So Special – Part II

  1. Hi Curt, I enjoyed reading your post. Psalm 119 is my favorite because it beautifully praises the Word of God. I frequently read it, and my favorite verse from this Psalm reflects the strong faith in the Word of God that we have in our ministry:

    “The sum of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments is everlasting.” (Psalm 119:160, LSB).

    I’ve always seen Psalm 19 as a condensed version of Psalm 119.

  2. Thank you so much for re-posting these devotionals on Psalm 119, my wife and were so blessed by them the first time. About two weeks ago I was searching for them, high and low, in your archives but without success. Your timing to do the re-post was perfect! Your dedication in writing these daily devotionals is much appreciated! Only eternity will reveal their far reaching effects.

    Many Thanks!

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