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Adoption or Abortion – It’s a Matter of Life and Death

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When a woman gets pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy I am sure that a flood of emotions fills her heart and soul. At the moment of conception (before the woman knows she is pregnant) a human life has burst on the scene. But at the moment this mother-to-be realizes she is pregnant, with an unwanted child, decisions need to be made. The two main ones being should I abort my baby or give it up for adoption.

Sadly, in America today fewer than 5% of women with unwanted pregnancies place their children through adoption. Conversely, that means that approximately 95% of these same women choose abortion. With statistics like these it is clear to me that organizations like Planned Parenthood, which is the largest abortion providers in America, have been successful at indoctrinating these scared women into believing that abortion is a much better option than adoption.

As Christians our job is to get the word out about why abortion is a terrible option and dispel the lies that the pro-choice community has been disseminating for years. If you would like to see some of the misinformation and outright lies that the pro-choice movement spouts please read some of my over 20 posts on abortion from my website. You can find them under the categories section on my site under abortion.

We need to let prospective mothers, who are contemplating an abortion, know that the decision to abort will kill their unborn child, leave them with long term emotional scars by their decision, and make them a participant in the greatest American genocidal holocaust, instead of being a special hero.

And the reason I say hero is first, she will be a hero to her child, not only because she allowed him to live, but she felt him special and loved enough to put him first. This demonstrates a truly selfless choice.  Second, by bringing the baby to term she gives a loving family the chance to adopt him, allowing them to have their dream of having a child come true. Third, she will be showing great character and courage by choosing life over being inconvenienced by undergoing the entire nine month pregnancy experience. And fourth, she will be a hero by providing strength and courage to other mothers going through the same situation of an unwanted pregnancy.

In addition, Christians need to shower the mother, choosing to let her baby be adopted, instead of aborted, with love, emotional support, medical and financial aid, and of course great respect. The more we expose the lies of the pro-abortion camp, the more we provide proper knowledge of why adoption is always the better choice, and the more we provide both emotional and financial support, the more likely the mother-to-be will choose adoption making her a hero, instead of abortion making her a zero.

My friends abortion is truly an act of desperation and totally leaves God out of the picture, who can work the wonderful miracle of life if adoption is chosen. In closing I like the way our former President, George W. Bush, put it when he said: “Adoption was such a positive alternative to abortion, a way to save one life and brighten two more: those of the adoptive parents.”1

1 Top 15 Quotes & Sayings About Adoption Vs. Abortion (