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Evolution – It’s Not Hard to Define – It’s Hard to Believe

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After much reading on the topic of evolution I have come to understand that Darwinian evolution can be defined as follows:

Evolution is the speculation that all life came about through purely random natural processes. All life on our planet originated from a single universal common ancestor four billion years ago. All the complexity of life is solely the result of random changes and natural selection. More complex organisms arise by natural selection of positive mutations by small, inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.

But another definition that is much shorter but captures the essence of what evolution is can be summarized as follows:

Evolution can be defined as “nobody times nothing equals everything.”

Back when Charles Darwin came up with his theory of evolution and published his famous book, The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, in 1859, he knew next to nothing about the human cell. To him it was just a blob of protoplasm. Fast forward to today and we know how infinitely complex a human cell is. In fact, even though he declared himself an atheist near the end of his life, Linus Pauling, who won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, once remarked: “Just one living cell in the human body is, more complex than New York City.”1 Just what would cause one of the greatest scientists of the twentieth century to acknowledge the amazing complexity of a human cell yet reject the God who made it, is unknown, but Pauling, nonetheless, stood in awe at the dazzling complexity of the human cell.   

To believe that something as complex as a human cell could have evolved by Darwinian evolution in my opinion is just plain silly. Now take the human body, which consists of 30 trillion of these amazingly complex cells, that coexist in almost perfect harmony, and my contention is that it takes far more faith to believe in evolution than in creation.

My friends it is hard to believe in evolution and that blind random chance could somehow go from nothing, to an amino acid, to a protein molecule, to a single simple cell, to a 30 trillion cell human being! I ask you to consider your alternatives as to how humanity came into being. It’s either nobody times nothing equals everything or “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” and yes mankind! I choose to believe that creation came about from the brilliant mind of our Creator, rather than from the mindless mind of evolutionary chance!

1 Charlie H. Campbell, Apologetics Quotes (Carlsbad, California: The Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry, 2020), p. 53.

2 thoughts on “Evolution – It’s Not Hard to Define – It’s Hard to Believe

  1. Satan is a master at misdirection. He can influence the masses to look at the shiny object while he works his real agenda right under our noses. Darwin convinced the world that his theory was based on science but the full title of his book gives us insight into his ulterior motive: On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
    “Favored Races?” That concept influenced Hitler to build his Master Race. It was also the driving force behind Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood. Her Negro Project in the 30’s provided abortions primarily in minority neighborhoods, which continues to this day. As a Nazi sympathizer, she followed Hitler’s methodology of using ministers to sway the people to accept the lie That way, the real agenda could go on unchallenged. She once said in a letter:
    “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
    Today, we have godless politicians who are always pointing out the shiny object but behind the scene, they are doing the work of Satan. They are not incompetent, they are evil.
    Even Darwin admitted that “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
    Don’t get sidetracked by the shiny objects. Look behind the curtain and you’ll discover that all these charlatans are false grand wizards.

  2. Curt,
    The evolutionary scenario is actually a religious philosophy. It has never risen to the basis of a theory. It has been falsified repeatedly. It is only adhered to because it allows people to deny a Creator and any accountability to the Creator. It simply allows people to do their “own thing”. Yet, the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. state that each human being will stand before the Righteous and Holy Judge one day to give account of their actions. Contrary to the belief system of evolution there is a foundation of Creation, a Creator and what He considers right and wrong. Also, as you have talked about many times on your website there is a way to be reconciled to the Creator and that is through His Son Jesus Christ.

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