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The Death of Conscience

river between green leafed tree

When you were first conceived in your mother’s womb the God of the universe stamped made in My image on your very first cell. Over the next nine months modern science tells us that the most amazing and fantastic explosion of growth known to man would take place creating a masterpiece of engineering genius resulting in a 30 trillion collage of cells called “you.” Two hundred years ago science knew next to nothing about fetal development. Today, however, we know that the nine month journey from single cell to human being, helps give even more significance to the words of King David, when he proclaimed: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:14).

In the womb it’s God who creates life. And at the tomb it’s God who takes life. Life and death are the domain of God and whenever mankind decides to prematurely end, either the life of the tiny baby in the womb, or a full-grown person, he is in essence playing God and circumventing His divine prerogative.

In this short essay I would like to focus on why I believe whenever a mother chooses to abort her child, two deaths take place. One death is obvious. For you see at conception the foreknowledge of God becomes the reality of life, and to abort the life of the child, at any point during its nine month journey in the womb, is clearly taking the life of an innocent human being made in the image of God. But there is a second death that is not so obvious and that is the death of the mother’s conscience.

For you see to willingly consent to abort a living human being, for no other reason, than he or she may prove an inconvenience, shows me that a mother’s conscience has died. From a suction abortion, where the abortionist literally tears the tiny baby’s arms and legs apart before suctioning the rest of the baby into a death bag, to a partial birth abortion where a baby is partially delivered and then has its head crushed before being tossed into a garbage pail, a mother’s conscience died the very day she willingly took her baby’s life.

But for many mothers that choose to abort their child, their dead conscience, shortly after their abortion, seems to become resurrected and alive again, haunting and causing intense emotional pain over the realization that they just murdered their child. And without divine help these emotional scars often last a lifetime. But praise God there is help, forgiveness, and healing for these women if and when they come into a different kind of birth as a child of God through entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. While many women, who have aborted their child, can never seem to forgive themselves for this horrible crime, when they give their heart to Jesus, He alone can forgive them and help them to forgive themselves.

Sadly, for the abortion doctor, who literally stares life in their eyes, right before murdering their tiny patient, they possess what the Bible calls a seared conscience. That type of conscience is very dangerous since it is often so far from God that it may never be able to be rescued. While there are cases where abortion doctors have come to the Lord, sadly, most will die and find themselves forever separated from God in hell.

While there is controversy among Christians, I personally believe that all aborted babies go to heaven. As a result, one day we will see these precious little ones enjoying life to the fullest.

With the recent overturning of Roe v Wade, sadly, many states are now making an abortion even easier to get than before. In fact, in some states, abortion is legal right up to the actual time of birth. For those lawmakers who allow for these abortions, not only to they have blood on their hands, but one day they will have to face eternal judgment. My friends America is in desperate need of prayer for her very conscience as a nation. Please join me in prayer for her very soul!   

2 thoughts on “The Death of Conscience

  1. Excellent post, Curt. Thank you for not holding back. This is a difficult conversation to have but one that must occur. Only the truth of God (found only in the Bible) can give life to the hearts and minds of those who think nothing about the devasting toll sin and death take on the unborn.

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