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The Virgin Conception

The birth of Jesus is often referred to as the “virgin birth.” This, however, is a misnomer. The real miraculous event was the “virgin conception.” At the moment of conception, the foreknowledge of God became the reality of life and the second person of the Trinity became incarnate. What an incredible event! At conception deity took on humanity and the Lamb of God began his journey to save mankind. And just what was going on in Mary’s womb during those first nine months is truly amazing. Science, not just theology or emotions, screams out for the humanity and personhood of the unborn baby Jesus in Mary’s womb. Just what was happening in those initial 90 days in the womb of Mary is truly incredible—life was exploding on the scene and at breathtaking speed! At the end of Mary’s first trimester, if we assume that Jesus developed just like a normal baby, we can boldly claim the following scientifically accurate statements about His own humanity:

  1.  Jesus had a perfectly formed and beating heart that was pumping His    own blood.
  2.  Jesus had a brain and active brain waves.
  3.  Jesus could swallow.
  4.  Jesus could squint with His eyes.
  5.  Jesus’ stomach was already producing digestive juices.
  6.  Jesus had ten fingers, ten toes and even fingernails.
  7.  Jesus could suck His thumb.
  8.  Jesus’ liver was already making blood cells.
  9.  Jesus’ taste buds were forming.
  10.  Jesus could smile and frown.
  11.  Jesus could kick, turn His feet, and curl and fan His toes.
  12.  Jesus could make a fist, move His thumbs, and bend His wrists.

To have aborted the life of Jesus, which was an option that Mary could have chosen to avoid the potential disgrace she could have had to deal with, would have been to not only terminate a life but the life of the Savior of the world. Thankfully, Mary was told by the angel in (Luke 1:30-31): “But the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.’” And thankfully, Mary listened and gave birth to the baby Jesus. And the rest is history – deity and humanity became one and the journey to the cross was on its way.

Sadly, for over 60 million babies in America, since abortion was legalized in 1973 by the infamous Roe v Wade decision, conception did not end in birth but in premature death. Fortunately for all of us the conception, birth, and death of Jesus happened just as the Father had planned it and because of Jesus’ miraculous journey we can have new life in Christ!