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What Does It Mean To Be Relentlessly Biblical?

My good friend Alex Ortiz recently launched a wonderful new podcast called “The Relentlessly Biblical Podcast.” The link below will take you to the multiple platforms that the podcast is available on:

I highly recommend you check out his site. According to Alex: “Every first Sunday of the month, we bring you a show dedicated to establishing and reinforcing a high view of the scriptures and Jesus Christ of whom the scriptures speak. Helping you understand God’s full and accurate revelation concerning His Son and fulfilling His great commission.”1

When I heard the title of Alex’s podcast I started to think, what does it mean to be relentlessly biblical? In today’s Christian world sadly, there is so much compromise around the Bible. Just as the world tells us there is no such thing as absolute truth, many Christians have bought into this lie and often view the Bible as just one truth among many. But since the Bible is the one supreme and only truth, by definition it excludes all other beliefs that go against its teachings.  

As our society continues, more and more, down the path of cancel culture, wokeness, and societal upheaval, it is more important than ever that we be relentlessly biblical in our thinking and behavior. While taking a stance on traditional marriage, abortion, and a host of other clear biblical doctrines may not be popular, being relentlessly biblical requires us to never compromise even if it means we are ostracized from society. In fact, I believe, as we take a biblical stance on issues we had better get prepared for more and more outward persecution. Remember we are not here to win popularity contests but to glorify Jesus – which often means going against the crowd.   

(2 Tim 3:16) tells us: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” This one verse tells me that the Bible is absolutely sufficient to deal with all issues – and especially the hot button ones. To be relentlessly biblical means to use the Bible as our only source in determining right from wrong both in thinking and behavior. To be relentlessly biblical means we must never compromise the gospel message of salvation only through Christ. To be relentlessly biblical means to understand that we are here on earth for training for eternity and not personal comfort. And to be relentlessly biblical means we are to do all things to bring glory to God and leave the circumstances to Jesus.

As relentlessly biblical Christians we must take time to seriously study the Scriptures so we can know the mind and will of God on all matters. We must realize that we are in a cosmic battle against spiritual forces of wickedness and darkness. Our role as Christians is to shine the light of the gospel to expose these evils even if it comes at the cost of our happiness and comfort. And while we can use modern methods such as the internet and podcasts to get the word out about Jesus, we must make sure that we never try to make the word of God fit into today’s culture if it means compromising our message.

My friends, being relentlessly biblical needs to be a way of life, a way of thinking and the non-negotiable standard we bring to all of our day to day decisions. While the Bible is our basic instructions before leaving earth, it is also the source document of absolute truth. And while we may modernize our methods for conveying biblical truth we must never try to modernize the Bible’s message. I challenge you to be relentlessly biblical in everything you do. You may lose some friends along the way but gain the approval of our wonderful Savior!


1 thought on “What Does It Mean To Be Relentlessly Biblical?

  1. William Ramsey says:

    AMEN Brother! Well said and timely, to boot. Please pray for my dear wife Barbara. She suffered a fall and broke her right hip yesterday. She is in hospital and will most likely have surgery sometime this morning to repair the damage.
    Please keep her in your prayers. She is in such severe pain.

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