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You Are Special!

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As I have shared in several past devotions next to the Trinity you are the hottest thing in the universe. While we are clearly born rebels against God and unworthy to receive the myriad of blessings that God has planned for us, we are of infinite value to Jesus. I love how Pastor Louie Giglio puts it: “It’s at the heart of everything we struggle with in life: longing to be valuable, to be accepted, to be prized, to be worth something to somebody, to have a life that matters, and God’s saying ‘You matter!’ I didn’t make anyone else like you. You’re not a reprint or a lithograph. You’re a one-of-a-kind, original creation of God.”1

Pastor Giglio goes on to share one of the most profound insights on just how special and precious you are when he states: “If only everyone could know we’ve been created by and for God! If only we could all comprehend that we’re precious to Him, housing mirrored souls designed to reflect His glory.”2 Imagine we are created and designed to reflect the glory of God! Once we accept Jesus into our lives we become adopted into the family of God. And as children of God, we can rejoice knowing just how special we are to Jesus.

Listed below are just some of the things the Bible says about who you are in Christ:

You are a masterpiece created in the image of God – (Genesis 1:27).

You are a treasured possession to God – (Deuteronomy 14:2).

You are a child of God and a joint heir with Christ and will inherit all things – (Romans 8:16-17).

You are God’s temple and God’s Spirit lives in you – (1 Corinthians 3:16).

You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s special possession – (1 Peter 2:9).

Not only that but God has a vast sum of precious thoughts towards you that the Scriptures say if we could count them they would outnumber the grains of sand! – (Psalm 139:17-18).

And if that were not enough God thought you were so special that He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross to forgive you of all your sins and bring you back into His family.

My friends let’s face it God is just plain crazy over you!

1 TOP 25 QUOTES BY LOUIE GIGLIO (of 129) | A-Z Quotes (

2 TOP 25 QUOTES BY LOUIE GIGLIO (of 129) | A-Z Quotes (

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