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The Blessing of Being an Empty Vessel

The optimist views the glass as half full, while the pessimist views that same glass as half empty. However, the real blessing comes to the Christian who views that same glass as completely empty, for when a vessel or a person is completely empty of themselves they are now in a position to be filled to overflowing with the grace and mercy of a God who is in possession of a limitless supply.

Charles Spurgeon said it well: “A full Christ is for empty sinners, and for empty sinners only… It is not our emptiness, but our fullness which can hinder the outgoings of free grace.”1 Sadly many Christians are so full of themselves and are too prideful in their accomplishments, without giving the full credit and glory to God, that there is little room left for God to fill them with His mercy, grace, and power. C. S. Lewis also adds to this picture when he said: “God gives His gifts where He finds the vessel empty enough to receive them.”2

My friends, when Christians are empty of pride and self-worth, and instead humble themselves before our almighty Lord, we become prime vessels for God to fill us with His Holy Spirit. Not only that but we become reflectors of God’s glory and the light of the world. And when we realize that we are truly vessels for God to use and fill as He sees fit, how can we not be filled with the sheer joy of knowing that we are pleasing our heavenly Father. In addition, while we may have to sacrifice some temporary worldly pleasures we can rejoice in knowing we are accruing heavenly treasures that will last for eternity.

While being an empty vessel might not sound very glamorous I implore you to just watch how God fills you with his mercy, grace, peace, joy, and power to not only live a rich and meaningful life, but to see how your service here below is accumulating an eternal weight of glory above!  

1 The Spurgeon Library | The Oil and the Vessels

2 God gives His gifts where He finds the vessel empty enough… (