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The Secret of a Satisfied Life

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In my many discussions with most people who don’t know Christ a truly satisfied life is something that sadly seems but a distant hope. Yes, these people may experience moments of happiness but being truly content with life is an elusive dream. For the non-Christian the answer why dissatisfaction is the norm is quite simple. For you see we are all wired with a spiritual vacuum that only Jesus Christ can fill. Trying to fill this void with money, fame, comfort, and sex may bring some satisfaction but it is often very short lived. And the two elements that are foundational to a satisfied life – peace and joy – can really only be found in Christ.

But I have found that many Christians also struggle to find deep satisfaction in life, and frankly this should never be. I believe that missionary Hudson Taylor gave us a blueprint on how a believer, who is struggling with low satisfaction in life, can transform their life into a joyous adventure, when he said: “The real secret of an unsatisfied life lies too often in an unsurrendered will.”1

Jesus promises to give us great peace, abundant joy, a positive outlook on life, rich meaning, and an eternal hope – so why do many Christians miss out on these amazing blessings. Some Christians say, “if you only knew the circumstances that I am going through,” then you would understand why deep satisfaction in life is not possible. But for these unsatisfied Christians they are looking at life with the wrong perspective. For real peace, joy, and meaning, are not based on circumstances, but on being obedient to God’s will. For happiness is based on circumstances but real joy, which is a key component of a satisfied life, is based on walking in the will of God.

One of the most exciting things about the Christian walk is that when we surrender our wills to the Lord, He transforms negative circumstances into wonderful opportunities to overcome them, by the power of Jesus, and bring glory to God. And I have personally found that when I surrender my will to the Lord, the overarching desire of my heart is to be a vessel that God can use to bring Him glory. And when I do things that glorify my heavenly Father the joy, peace, and meaning I receive is literally off the charts!

My friends, the more time we spend reading the Scriptures, the more time we spend in our prayer closets, and the more we die to self and live for Christ, the more we will fall in love with Jesus. And the more we love Jesus, the more we will follow in the footsteps of the one who is the prince of peace, the real joy giver, and the one who lived the most satisfied life ever lived. And with a surrendered will the most amazing transaction takes place – you put a smile on God’s face and He puts total joy in your life! And I challenge you to find a better deal!

1 James Hudson Taylor Quotes (Author of Hudson Taylor) (

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